Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Today I'm feeling...anxious. Six weeks in an unfulfilling desk job will quickly eat away at anyone I suppose, but in my case it's left me battered, bruised, de-energized, and crying for some sense of personal worth. These days, I sit in front of a computer spending most of my 9-5 mindlessly clicking through a jungle of Wikipedia articles or face buried in one of the older Harry Potter books. I don't get a lot of human contact, I've been marooned in an office in a deserted department across the lot from the main campus of our community hospital. As you might have guessed, I'm an intern. My internship is in its dying days...In weeks of old I was waist-deep in senior management meetings, shadowing, and worthwhile projects, but those days have long since passed, and these days I find my body and spirit withering. I look forward to the third week in August, when I'll be returning to school to ride out my senior year in style.

Well, reader, welcome to my blog. It is the commentary on the yet-to-be-decided life story of a college senior in need of direction. You'll no doubt find that both my vocabulary and grammatical skill will be tested, and I do apologize to those it offends. But hopefully mixed somewhere with the overzealous use of commas and misuse of words like overzealous, there's a story worth telling.

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