Friday, December 28, 2007

Don't Tase Me, Bro.

Alright, first things first.  I'm now watching NBC's "To Catch a Predator," and just saw the most hilarious arrest ever witnessed.  Please, right now, search YouTube for "To Catch a Predator taser"; oh my goodness...I can only hope that some quick-acting soul caught it on their TiVo.  It stirs up images of the poor UF student who was tased way back in September for his verbal attacks on John Kerry (please, do yourself a favor and check out this tee-shirt). 
Speaking of presidential hopefuls, I spent a fair amount of time tonight researching the top candidates in the '08 presidential field while marooned in my mom's home office as a handful of baby boomers crowded the rest of the house shouting "Bunko!"  By "research" of course I mean Wikipedia.  I know, I know, go ahead, wag that disapproving finger and shake  your head in disbelief, but I believe in the credibility of Wikipedia.  I won't bore you with my theory, but I figure what I get from the Wiki is at the very least no more slanted than what I see on CNN or FOX News.