Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving break

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, after a rather long hiatus between our pilot and now. Fortunately, I've rekindled my internal creative desires and yearn to share with the outside world.

Flavor of the week: video editing. Recently, I got my hands on a refurbished Mac Mini and found a renewed interest in the iLife '06 suite. If you're not familiar with Macs or iLife, iLife is the basic creative software package included with every Mac. As you might guess, Apple's defining yet uninspired "i+(insert-what-it-does-here)" naming system prevails with its video editing software--iMovie.

I quickly snapped some footage inside my mom's house the other night using my dig-cam and got to work with iMovie. I quickly fell in love. I made a mean (thanks to Timmy B. for the new vocab) episode of Cribs featuring Chez Ray. Okay, so its not so great, but it was enough fun to keep me hooked. My newest thought process is to tag along a cheap MiniDV camcorder on my upcoming expeditions to England, New Orleans, and Cleveland, OH.

On a somewhat unrelated note, my dad and I got up this morning to attempt to beat the crowds for the black Friday steals, as has become a regular father-son tradition. Unfortunately we tripped out of the starting gate thanks to a faulty alarm and a night of not-so-peaceful sleep. So rather than beating the crowds, we found ourselves lost in an endless sea of the blood thirsty tech-savvies who would gladly murder a sibling for a 32" LCD under $500. Meanwhile, we were left as the black Friday bottom feeders, lucky to pick up a copy of The Holiday for $7. Hell, even our venture to Radio Shack was fruitless.
On the return home, we stopped by McDonald's for sustenance. I was intrigued by the addition of the Steak, Egg & Cheese bagel to the menu. That was a scary experience: 1/4 lb of reshaped hamburger meat, american cheese, sauteed onions and egg on a bagel, all apparently soaked in motor oil for a good 12 hours. Needless to say, I promptly took a 2 hour nap upon arriving home and am still sucking down chalky antacids like spree candy.
Anyway, that's all for this update. I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving holiday, be sure to stay tuned for the next installment.